Blue Bandits is the result of a client's simple request for me to paint some mischievous Steller's jays harassing a bald eagle. It sounded easy at first, but it took a while to come up with an idea on how to actually pull it off. I finally ended up taking my camera into the Tongass National Forest here in Ketchikan, AK, to snap a few photos of potential backdrops. In order to tell this story, I had to do a little editorial lumberjacking (basically removing a few trees from my reference photo) in order to add in a watery background and a path for the eagle to carry its catch to a secluded perch (where it could eat in peace). I don't know that eagles ever get to eat in peace, so adding a couple of irritating Steller's jays to ruin the solitude wasn’t a stretch! They're very smart, calculating little birds, known for stealing food—even from an eagle capable of turning them into dessert.
Blue Bandits | Canvas Giclee | 18" x 22"
Canvas giclees closely mimic the original paintings; it's difficult to detect any difference. Canvas giclees come ready to frame, are printed to order and personally processed by the artist—from printing to hand-applied U/V finish. Allowing for drying time, the process takes 2-3 days before they can be shipped.